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I first met Elizabeth Monarch some 15 years ago when she and her father, Miller Monarch, both Auctioneers and Realtors, auctioned the live auction items for our Kentuckiana Chapter of SCI’s Annual Fundraiser. Both did an outstanding job and our Chapter made more money than we had during previous years’ auctions.  They were very professional and they were fun at the same time and we invited them back year after year!  Later when Elizabeth’s husband, Lonnie Gann, joined the team, our Chapter continued to enjoy successful auctions as well as good times during the auctions and our crowds, who stated that they enjoyed our auctioneers, grew year after year!  

Elizabeth was the first female auctioneer most of our members had the pleasure of watching auction. Elizabeth is confident and does an exceptional job!  Her voice is crisp and clear with just the right volume so that everyone in the room can follow her auctioneer’s chant and know the current bid.  Her friendly but professional manner keeps the audiences’ attention while being relaxed enough to help our attendees have a fun time! It is obvious to all our members and guests that Elizabeth not only loveswhat she is doing… she knowswhat she is doing!

Sherry Maddox

Officer, Kentuckiana Chapter of SCI

— Sherry Maddox

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